目的探讨不同类型椎-基底动脉供血不足(vertebral basilar insufficiency,VBI)患者的血流动力学改变。方法对240例VBI患者行经颅多普勒(transcranial doppler,TCD)检测。结果所有病患者中,血流速度增快者130例,占总数54.2%。其中椎-基底动脉(vertebral basilarar tery,VBA)流速增快者112例,占46.7%;合并或单纯颈内动脉系(internal carotid artery,ICA)增快者78例。血流速度减慢98例,占总数40.8%。均有VBA流速减慢;合并ICA流速减慢66例。血流速度正常者12例,占总数5%。结论TCD对VBI的诊断、定位及指导临床治疗有其独特的价值。
[Objective] To discuss the blood theology for VBI patients. [Methods] 240 VBI patients were searmed by TCD.[Results] 130(54.2%) VBI patients' blood stream accelerated. Therein, 112 patients' VBA blood stream accelerated; 78 patients' ICA blood stream accelerated or followed with VBA blood stream accelerating. 98 (40.8%) VBI patients' blood stream slowed down. Therein, all patients' VBA blood stream slowed down; 66 patients' ICA blood stream slowed down or followed with VBA blood stream slowing down. 12(5%) VBI patients' blood flowed normally. [Conclusions] TCD is useful for VBI patients' diagnosing, locating and clinical therapy.
China Medical Engineering