
新型共口径双频双圆极化微带天线设计 被引量:7

Design of Novel Common-Aperture Dual-Band Circularly-Polarized Microstrip Antennas
摘要 论述了一种共口径双频双圆极化微带天线的设计方法。通过工作于主模和高次模的两辐射贴片嵌套来实现双频双圆极化辐射和满足双馈电端口高隔离度的要求。依据此设计方法按照内外贴片不同频段分配研制了两种天线实物样机,并对天线样机的电性能进行了测量,测量结果表明,天线在两频段上圆极化性能良好,并且双端口隔离度高于35dB,证明了此设计方法的有效性。 The design method of common-aperture dual-band circularly-polarized microstrip antennas is presented. The approach to achieve dual-band circular polarization and high isolation between two feedings using a fundamental mode radiator and a higher-order mode radiator is discussed. Two phototype antennas that the two radiators operate with different band distributions are made and measured. The measured results show that the antennas are of dual-band circular polarization and high isolation for more than 35dB. It shows that the design method is valid.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期40-43,共4页 Journal of Microwaves
关键词 微带天线 共口径 双频 圆极化 高隔离度 高次模 Microstrip antenna, Common-aperture, Dual band, Circular polarization, High isolation, Higher-order mode
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