The investigation on radioactivity levels of radioactive source storehouses and surrounding environment were conducted in logging CO. of Daqing Petroleum Administrative Burear. The investigating content was divided into four aspects i. e. radiation level of airborne aerosol, radiation level of water environment, γ - radiation dose rates of environment's surface and radiation level of soil environment. The results shows that the monitoring Total α value and the monitoring Total β value between internal and external radioactive source storehouses from control area, there were not obvious difference between control area, then it proved that environment in air is safety; Both the monitoring Total α value and the monitoring Total β value of radioactive source storehouses accorded with the corresponding standard rule, then it proved that surrounding water environment of radioactive source storehouses was not polluted by radioactivity ; The monitoring value of γ- radiation dose rates were within the natural background level of Heilongjiang province's outdoor which ranged from 21.6 × 10^-9 - 196.9 × 10^-9 Cy/h, then it proved that outdoor region of radioactive source storehouses was not polluted by radioactivity ; The monitoring value of soil was compared with radioactivity level of soil in Heilongjiang province, then it proved that surrounding environment of radioactive source storehouses was also not polluted by radioactivity. In a word, the radioactive source storehouses in Logging CO. of Daqing Petroleum Administrative Burear has not exercised adverse surrounding environment and health effec.
Environmental Science and Management
radioactive source storehouses
surrounding environment