区域重力调查近区地形改正常规用锥形体公式和扇形柱体公式计算,用计算器编程或计算机编程计算速度较慢,前者公式需用量角器量手勾地形剖面坡度角速度较慢,加之量坡度角时人为因素量的不准,为了消除人为因素带来的误差和寻求快速有效的地形改正方法,将锥形体公式的角度关系变换为高度及平距的关系,本文介绍区域重力调查在野外工作中0~50m(将测点周围地形分0~10m,10~25m,25~50m 3个环带4个方位),用锥形体公式和扇形柱体公式计算成表格可快速简便地计算近区地形改正值,野外及时计算出累加地形改正值。
The near region terrain correction of the regional gravity survey is commonly calculated by cone-shaped formula and fan-shaped formula, because the speed of using calculator programming or computer programming is slow. For the former formula, it is slow to use a protractor to draw the slope angle of the terrain. In addition, sometimes it will be not correct by using protractor because of personal factors. In order to eliminate the errors made by persons and seek the fast and effective method for the terrain correction, change the angle relation of the cone- shaped formula into the one of height and horizontal distance. This paper introduces regional gravity survey application in the fieldwork (0-50m). As a result, it is fast and easy to calculate near region terrain correction value by changing cone-shaped formula and fan-shaped formula into tables.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Geophysics
regional gravity survey
short range terrain correction
fast calculation