
随机天气模型及其JAVA实现 被引量:5

Stochastic Modeling of Daily Weather and Its Implementation in Java
摘要 应用逐日天气随机模型,设计和开发了基于JAVA的逐日降水、温度和太阳辐射多要素随机模拟器DWSS,论述其功能实现和主要特性,并列举了应用例子.DWSS能够跨平台运行,可以通过浏览器实现远程访问,不仅生成逐日天气随机序列,还向用户提供更多的选择. A stochastic simulator prototype DWSS on precipitation, temperature and solar radiation in JAVA was developed. This paper describes the designing considerations, funcdons, and features of it. DWSS can be used on desktop or network environment, and a running example with the help of some figures and table on desktop is presented. This simulator can provide more selections to users than other popular weather generators.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期2267-2271,共5页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家863计划课题(No.2006AA10Z220) 国家科技支撑课题(No.2006BAD10A06) 北京市自然基金课题(No.4042026)
关键词 天气 随机模型 JAVA WEB weather stochastic modeling Java Web
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