

A New Methodology for Web Application Testing Based on Web-page Partitions
摘要 网站已经成为全球信息发布的重要渠道,确认网站应用程序的质量和可靠性成为软件测试的一项重要任务。现在有关网站应用程序的测试技术大多数是基于模型测试技术,依赖于从网站编码信息中产生模型,这些技术可统称为"白盒测试"。目前没有一种技术应用网页的划分进行测试。本文在"白盒测试"的基础之上,提出了基于网页划分的网站应用程序测试技术和基于网页划分的"白盒测试"技术,并通过实验证明基于网页划分的"白盒测试"技术是测试网站应用程序的较为有效的方法。 Web applications are important equipment for publicizing the global information. So it is important to validate their quality and dependability. Many techniques have been proposed for testing Web applications. But most of them are model-based testing and rely on information gathered from the Web application code to generate the models. Theycan be classified as "white-box" techniques. None have attempted to use Web-page partitions to support Web application testing. In this paper, based on white-box techniques, we present Web-page partitions techniques and white- box technique based on Web-page partitions. From the result of the experiment, white-box technique based on Webpage partitions is an efficient method for testing Web application.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期61-64,共4页 Computer Science
关键词 软件测试 网站应用程序 网页划分 实验分析 Software testing, Web applications, Web-page partitions, Empirical studies
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