
分布式动态更新支持系统:研究综述 被引量:4

Survey of Supporting System for Dynamically Updating Distributed System
摘要 一些服务于关键应用领域、提供持续服务的分布式系统软件需要不断地进化,以修正软件故障、扩展服务功能、提高系统性能,从而产生动态更新的需求,即保证不中断系统服务的同时实现对系统功能的更新。由于分布式系统本身的复杂性,使得其上的动态更新比较复杂,一般需要做的工作包括:在适当的时候自动产生和传递更新消息;透明地实施更新、验证更新的合法性、一致性并处理非法更新下的容错问题;支持多版本节点之间的交互;对更新期间滞留的消息进行处理。本文围绕支持动态更新分布式系统的相关工作,从一般需求、功能目标、需要解决的关键问题、现有的工作成果以及将来的工作五个方面做了较为综合的阐述。 Many critical application systems need constant evolving for correcting bugs, extending functions or improve system's performance. However, they need to have abilities to afford service when they are being updated, i. e, their being updated have to be implemented dynamically. To transparently support distributed systems'dynamic updating, the following work need to be done with: automatically propagate updating messages: change nodes' components' call from old to new interfaces; test systems' validity and consistency after updating; do with the tolerance if updated system is invalid or inconsistent; support interaction between multi-version components; do with messages after updating which arrived at updating. This paper presents general introduction about requirements, functions, key research problems, related work and future work for building supporting-system for dynamically updating distributed system.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期19-25,共7页 Computer Science
基金 中国科学院计算技术研究所计算机科学重点实验室开放课题基金资助(No.SYSKF0607)
关键词 更新 动态更新 动态升级 动态更新支持系统 Updating, Dynamic updating, Dynamic upgrading, Supporting system for dynamic updating
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