
奶牛乳脂降低综合症的生物氢化理论研究进展 被引量:2

Review: Bio-hydrogenation Theory for Milk Fat Depression Syndrome
摘要 脂肪是牛奶中受日粮影响最大的成分。奶牛饲喂高精料日粮或高不饱和油脂均在一定程度上导致乳脂降低综合症的发生,进而影响牛奶加工产品。截至目前,乳脂降低症的主要生物学机制是乳脂合成底物不足以及瘤胃氢化时产生的反式脂肪酸或其它特殊脂肪酸产物抑制了乳腺脂肪酸合成途径所致。作者仅就后者生物氢化理论的研究进展进行综述,力图为相关科技工作者提供一定的参考。 Milk fat is the most variable component subjected to dietary changes. Diets high in concentrates or containing unsaturated fatty acids always lead to Milk Fat Depression Syndrome (MFD), which is highly detrimental to the dairy industry. The theories trying to explain the MFD are mainly classified into two aspects. In one kind of theories, it is thought that milk fat precursor deficiency is the direct cause for MFD, which is proved incomplete recently. The other kind of theory considers that during tureen biohydrogenation, some unique fatty acid is formed, which inhibit mammary fatty acid synthesis including trans fatty acid theory and biohydrogenation theory. Molecular mechanism underlying mammary fat synthesis involved two key regulation proteins SREBP and S14. This paper gives a review on biohydrogenation theory.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 2007年第12期70-73,共4页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家"十一五"科技攻关奶业重大专项(2006BAD04A00) 国际合作项目(2006DFB32160)
关键词 乳脂降低 生物氢化 反式脂肪酸 共轭亚油酸 甲状腺激素敏感蛋白14 milk fat depression biohydrogenation trans fatty acid conjugated linoleic acid spot14
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