During the operation of the salt cavern gas storage, the salt bed around the salt cavern will generate variation of stresses because of strata pressure and internal pressures of the salt caverns. As the internal pressure of the salt cavern is always poorer than the strata pressure and the plastic deformation will occur on the salt bed under high pressure, accordingly, the surrounding salt bed will generate displacement toward the inner salt cavern whereby the salt cavern will be converged. Therefore, the single cavern storage capacity and the working gas volume will be changed which will reduce the operational efficiency of the salt cavern. The salt cavern convergence and the creep deformation of the salt bed have close relationship. Based on the measurement by the rock mechanics, this study analyzed the creep deformation characteristics of the salt bed and accordingly set up the constitutive equation. The creep deformation of the salt bed in various part of the salt cavern at different stages with different operational status can be simulated through the constitutive equation and establishment of the three-dimensional model for the salt cavern, thereby to predict the convergence rule of the whole salt cavern. According to the findings in the salt cavern operation simulation, at the early stage after the salt carven were built, there was a short-lived rapid convergence stage, while at the late stage, the convergence pace was relatively stable and gradually slowed down. Therefore, at the early operational stage of the salt cavern gas storage, we should closely follow the creep deformation of the salt cavern and formulate reasonable parameters to guarantee the safe and efficient operation of the salt cavern; while at the middle- and late-stage, we should rebuild salt cavern for making up the storage capacity and working gas reduced by the convergence of salt cavern.
Natural Gas Industry
salt cavern gas storage, salt cavern, convergence, salt-gypsum bed, creep deformation, crushing stress