
关于金融控股公司微观层面的文献综述 被引量:3

Comments on Financial Holding Companies in View of Microcosmic Aspect
摘要 国际上,许多学者对金融机构集团化进行了理论或实证研究。在研究过程中,由于角度各异,研究的方向各有侧重。即便是方向一致,也经常因为研究方法的不同而结论迥异。本文将这些文献分为"经营绩效"分析、成本(规模经济/范围经济/X效率)评估、"生产效率"的测度、经营风险和管理以及金融控股公司(FHC)整合前后的价值变化等五个主要领域,力图在每一领域中展示比较有代表性文献的研究结论并进行简短评论。 Economists have analyzed the financial group collectivization in both theoretical and demonstration fields by utilization of ways and means. The emphases in these researches are difference because of distinct purposes or points of view. Sometimes their conclusions of researches from the same angles are totally disagreement with different study methods. This article classifies these literatures into five fields as follows: "management performance" analysis, cost evaluation ( scale economy/scope economy/x -efficiency), measurement of productivity, risks management, and the variation of values during FHC collectivization. This article tries to collect typical literatures in these five fields and comment on them concisely.
作者 宋耀
出处 《财贸研究》 北大核心 2007年第6期101-107,共7页 Finance and Trade Research
关键词 金融控股公司 经营绩效 成本特征 生产效率 经营风险 价值变动 FHC management performance cost character productivity risk management variation of values
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