
非线性I-O或动态CGE模型解的存在性和惟一性 被引量:1

Existence and uniqueness of solutions using nonlinear input-output models or the dynamic CGE model
摘要 在Leontief投入产出(I-O)模型中生产要素不可替代。该文推广了Leontief投入产出(I-O)模型。对应于一般规模报酬不变生产函数,推导出一种非线性动态I-O模型及相应按成本定价方程,再讨论解的存在性与惟一性。依利润最大法则求单位产出要素需求函数,将这种情况下的CGE(可计算一般均衡)模型表成I-O形式;所得到的模型又可看作动态CGE模型。利用非负参数非线性系统的Peron-Frobenius定理,讨论按成本定价方程的解。得到按成本定价方程解的存在性与惟一性定理,并指出Peron-Frobenius根的实际意义,给出计算产品价格的简便迭代算法。 The Leontief input-output (I-O) model with production factors was extended to a nonlinear dynamic I-O model with cost-based-pricing equation deduced from the universal constant-return-to-scale production function, The existence and uniqueness of solutions of the cost-based-pricing equation were verified. The factor-demand function per unit output was developed by maximizing the profit in a dynamic CGE (computable general equilibrium) model with inputs and outputs way. The Peron-Frobenius theory of nonlinear systems with non-negative parameters was used to analyze the solutions of the cost-based-prlcing equation. And a exist and unique theorem was given. The results illustrate the practical significance of the Peron-Frobenius root. A simple iterative algorithm was given to calculate the production price.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期2188-2191,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70571047)
关键词 投入产出模型 非线性 成本定价 动态CGE模型 input-output model nonlinear cost-based-pricing dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model
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