

The Story of Liushi:Battle between "Made-in-China" and Global Tycoons
摘要 作为低压电器的全球老大,法国企业施耐德惯在全球各地施以并购。同样,合资、收购,贯穿于它在中国20年的历史。法国企业看上去不像美国企业那么高调、富有进攻性,但其商业野心自潜藏在柔和、低调的风格中(想想达能)。此前,低压电器国有企业的赢弱,令它在中国市场上的拓张势如破竹,故能以较低成本整合产业资源,从天津杀到上海,从广东杀到陕西,攻无不克。而当它欲攻克中国低压电器的生产重镇温州柳市时,它发现自己棋逢对手。 As the leader of global low-voltage electrical products, Schneider,a French company, has been used to making acquisitions throughout the world.It has worked in China for about 20 years,too.The fragility of SOEs made it easy for Schneider to win.However,it was when Schneider attempted to conquer Liushi,the stronghold of China's low-voltage electrical production,it felt the pinch. Liushi,Wenzhou city, the birthplace for Chint and Delixi,has about 5000 low-voltage electrical production factories.After being turned down by Liushi's NO.1,Chint,French Schneider turned to Delixi,the NO.2,and finally formed a 50:50 joint venture. What encouraged Nan Cunhui,the founder of Chint,was that Chint had success- fully sued Schneider by means of'intellectual property',while the cooperation between Schneider and Delixi was in the process.The court ruled that Schneider had to pay Chint RMB 330 million for compensation. Schneider starts to realize that Chint,can never be looked down again.Chint is not only growing rapidly(NO.1 in Asia)and dreaming of independent brand,but also has learnt to use intellectual property to protect itself,which is different from any other chinese opponents of Schneider's. Nan Cunhui is a typical Wenzhou entrepreneur:start-from-scratch,flexible and able to learn.He is very clear that Wenzhou enterprises like Chint will be hard to survive if they stick to the low-price and low-end strategy,especially when Schneider aims to conquer the same market.In addition to protect- ing and maintaining intellectual property,Chint must seek a transformation which is far more efficient and pragmatic than merely condemning the MNCs. In fact,such consciousness of China's domestic enterprises has become new challenge for MNCs like Schneider.
作者 刘建强
出处 《中国企业家》 2007年第24期44-56,10,共13页 China Entrepreneur
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