
宝钢1930mm板坯连铸二冷传热模型的研究与开发 被引量:2

Research and development of secondary cooling heat transfer model for Baosteel 1930 mm slab continuous casting
摘要 基于二维非稳态传热数学模型理论,并结合铸坯在连铸二冷区的实际热量散失规律,将二:冷区相邻夹辊之间传热分为夹辊接触传热、水聚集蒸发传热、水冲击传热和辐射传热4个过程,根据宝钢一炼钢1930mm板坯连铸机具体条件,建立其连铸二冷传热模型。利用面向对象的VisualBasic6.0高级语言对模型进行编程,开发出相应的连铸二冷仿真软件。利用红外线测温仪采集铸坯温度对模型结果进行验证,现场铸坯测温和仿真结果比较得出温差在20℃以内,偏差范嗣为1.0%~2.5%,说明仿真模型和仿真结果真实可靠。应用该仿真软件可以对宝钢1930mm连铸机的二冷工艺制度进行研究和优化,指导连铸生产。 Based on the theory of two-dimensional non-steady-state heat transfer model and the law of heat dissipation in the secondary cooling zone of continuous casting, the heat transfer process in between the neighboring pinch rolls is divided into four different processes, namely heat transfers (1) by pinch roll contact, (2) by steam evaporation, (3) by water flushing and (4) by radiation. In light of the current condition of Baosteel 1930 mm slab caster, the mathematical model of secondary cooling heat transfer in slab continuous casting has been developed. By using the object-oriented computer language Visual Basic 6.0, the computer simulation software of secondary cooling in slab continuous casting has been developed. The infrared ray temperature measurement has been conducted to validate the results of model. The difference between the measured slab temperature and calculated one is less than 20℃, and the deviation range is well controlled within 1.0 %-2. 5%. All this shows that the simulation model and results are good and reliable. By using the simulation software, the secondary cooling system of Baosteel 1930 mm slab caster can be researched and optimized for guiding the practical production.
出处 《炼钢》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第6期23-27,共5页 Steelmaking
关键词 板坯连铸 二冷传热模型 计算机仿真 slab continuous casting secondary cooling heat transfer model computersimulation
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