组织因子(tissue factor,TF)又称凝血因子Ⅲ,是外源性凝血系统的启动因子,机体内活性最强的促凝物质之一。它在钙离子、磷脂存在的条件下,能与第Ⅶ因子(FⅦ)结合成复合体,同时使FⅦ裂解为有活性的FⅦa。TF-FⅦa复合体迅速活化X和Ⅸ因子,从而启动凝血系统。 九十年代以来,特别是发现组织因子途径抑制物(tissue factor pathway inhibitor,
Tissue factor(TF) is one of the most potent initiators of the blood coagulation system which acts as a cofactor for factor Ⅶ. Great advance has been made recently in the research of three dimensional structure of TF, particularly the extracellular domain. The gene regulation of TF is also disclosed in endothelial cells, monocytic cells and epithelial cells. In normal organism, TF is not expressed inside the vessels. However, the TF was expressed intravascularlly by endothelial cells and monocytes under certain circumstances which plays an important role in septic shock and DIC, Inadequate expression of TF may play a role in other vascular diseases such as thromboembolism in atherosclerosis. Further study of TF may lead to discovery of new therapy of thrombotic diseases by means of abating the activity of tissue factor.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology