

Clinical Investigation on Cervical Screening by Liquid Based Cytology Test in 2 005 Female
摘要 目的:应用现代细胞学技术研究本地区妇女宫颈病变的临床特征。方法:采用液基细胞学(LCT)技术和国际通用的TBS分类标准,筛查2 005例妇女的宫颈情况。对宫颈上皮的ASCUS者定期随访复查,对LSIL、HSIL、AGUS者进行宫颈多点活检,依据病理学结果进行临床处理。结果:宫颈病变检出率48.28%(968/2 005),感染性病变检出率45.44%(911/2 005)。上皮内病变检出率2.84%(57/2 005),经宫颈活检病理学诊断宫颈癌14例,检出率0.69%,包括宫颈腺癌2例、鳞癌12例,其中35岁以下3例。结论:感染是本地区妇女宫颈病变的主要原因;本地区宫颈癌的发生已出现年轻化趋势,应用LCT技术及TBS分类结合宫颈活检,在宫颈癌早期诊断、早期治疗上有十分重要的意义。 Objective :To investigate the clilinic characters of cervical lesion in our district using modem cytological techniques. Methods: Liquid based cytology test (LCT) following universal standard of the Bathesda system (TBS) were performed in 2 005 women for cervical screening. Follow up was carried out in atypical squarnous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) cases and multiple punch biopsies were used in low- grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), high -grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS) cases. Clinical Management was carried out following the histogical report of cervical biopsy. Results: The incidence of abnormal epithelial patterns was 48.28% (968/2 005), The incidence of infection was 45.44% (911 /2 005) and the incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia was 2. 84% (57/2 005), In 2 005 cases of LCT,cervical cancer was found 0. 69% (14/2 005), among them, 2 cases were adenocarcinoma and 12 cases were squamous cell carcinoma, and 3 cases were under 35 years old. Conclusions: Infection is the major cause of cervical lesion in this district, and the onset of cervical cancer tends to be in young women. LCT following the Bathesda system (TBS) and biopsies is of great significance and make early diagnosis and control the pathological process of cervical carcinoma.
出处 《现代临床医学》 2007年第6期430-431,共2页 Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine
关键词 液基细胞学 宫颈病变 宫颈癌 liquid based cytology tset cervical lesion cervical neoplasm
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