
中部地区6所普通高校大学生体质与心理健康现状调查 被引量:6

Constitution and mental health of university students in 6 colleges of the central part
摘要 目的:调查中部地区6所普通高校大学生体质与心理健康现状特征,并与全国常模进行比较分析。方法:①样本:随机抽取中部六省6所普通高校(河南大学、安徽中医学院、湖南医科大学、武汉理工大学、江西农业大学、山西师范大学)2004级19~22岁汉族在校大学生6000人,其中男生2322人,女生3678人。②测量法:由各校调研组专业人员依据2002年国民体质监测确定的测试指标、方法和仪器,对抽取的实验对象进行身体形态、身体机能、身体素质等测试。③问卷法:通过问卷形式,实验对象采取自愿、独立、匿名的方式填写营养状况、健康认知及健康行为、课外体育锻炼、休闲活动现状以及精神症状自评量表。共发放问卷6000份,全部回收,问卷资料完整。④访问座谈:通过访问相关专家就有关问题进行讨论分析。同时和一些体育骨干、学生代表进行座谈,对相关问题进行交流。⑤文献资料法:查阅全国同期同类学生测试资料以及国家体育总局国民体质测试中心公布的数据进行对比分析。结果:①身体形态发育特征:中部普通高校学生的身高、体质量、胸围与全国同龄普通高校学生均基本接近(t=1.24,P>0.05)。②身体机能现状特征:中部普通高校男生的脉搏、肺活量、收缩压、舒张压均优于全国同龄普通高校学生(t=1.32,P>0.05)。③身体素质现状:中部普通高校男女生50m、立定跳远及女生仰卧起坐水平均优于全国同龄普通高校学生(t=2.36,P<0.05);但反映男生上肢力量的引体向上、反映耐力素质的女生800m、男生1000m均明显弱于全国同龄普通高校学生(t=2.35,P<0.05)。④心理健康现状:与全国常模比较,中部普通高校学生精神症状自评量表结果除躯体化、强迫、焦虑、偏执因子外,其余各项因子分均值都较低(U=2.35~3.23,P<0.05或0.01)。⑤营养健康现状:与全国同龄普通高校女生比较,中部普通高校女生正常体质量百分比明显降低(t=3.18,P<0.01),较低体质量百分比明显升高(t=4.32,P<0.01)。与全国同龄普通高校男生比较,中部普通高校男生较低体质量百分比明显升高(t=3.42,P<0.01),营养不良百分比下降(t=2.38,P<0.05)。⑥健康认知及健康行为现状:中部普通高校学生68.91%作息制度没有规律,57.45%无养成参加体育锻炼的习惯,37.4%睡眠不足;在影响健康的主要因素(体育锻炼、医疗保健、合理的生活习惯、良好的心态)的选择中,仅有24.74%的学生完全选对了正确答案;在健康应包括哪些方面(生理健康、心理健康、良好的社会适应能力)的选择中,仅有26.67%的学生完全选对了正确答案。⑦课外体育锻炼现状:男生选择健身篮球和足球的分别占22%和16%,以跑步为主的耐力性项目仅占3%;女生选择跑步的占26%,其次是羽毛球和乒乓球,分别占17%和19%。⑧休闲活动现状:男生上网和体育锻炼分别占40%和32%,其次是看书学习、看电视和社交聊天等。女生上网占34%,其次是看书学习、看电视、体育锻炼等。结论:中部普通高校学生心血管功能和呼吸功能较强,但其耐力素质令人担忧,有潜在营养不良比例上升的可能,且对健康的认识不足,心理健康水平较为薄弱。养成良好的生活方式对大学生的健康至关重要,应有的放矢的采取干预对策,以提高中部地区普通高校大学生体质与心理健康水平。 AIM: To investigate the current characteristics of the constitution and mental health of university students from 6 colleges in the central part, and compare with the domestic norm. METHODS: (1)Sample: A total of 6 000 Han nationality undergraduates in 2004 grade, aging 19-22 years were recruited from 6 universities of middle six provinces at random (Henan University, Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan Medical University, Wuhan University of Technology, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Shanxi Normal University), including 2 322 males and 3 678 females.(2)Measurement: In accordance with the indicators, methods and instruments of national constitution test defined in 2002, all the subjects were determined for body appearance, body function and body character. (3)Questionnaire: The experimental objects filled the questionnaires of nutrition condition, healthy cognition and healthy behavior, extracurricular physical training, present situation of leisure activity as well as the mental symptom self-evaluation form in voluntary, independent, anonymous way. A total of 6 000 copies of questionnaires were sent out then all recovered, and the contents of questionnaire were integral. (4)Visit and discussion: To discuss and analyze the relevant issues by visiting experts. Meanwhile, a talk and exchange on related issues with sports backbone and student representatives was conducted.(5)Document: To compare the test information of the same kind of students with the statistical data published by constitution testing center of General Administration of Sport. RESULTS: (1)Body growth characteristics: The height, weight, and chest measurement of university students in central part were near to that of national contemporary university students (t =1.24, P 〉 0.05).(2)Body function characteristics: The pulse, lung capacity, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure of university male students in the central part all surpassed that of national contemporary university students (t =1.32, P 〉 0.05).(3)Physical quality status: The central part university students were superior to national contemporary university students in the 50-m running, standing long jump, and sit-up (female), respectively (t =2.36, P 〈 0.05); but the average of pull-up which reflected boy's arms strength and the averages of 800-m running (female), 1000-m running (male) which reflected the quality of stamina were under the national level remarkably (t =2.35, P 〈 0.05).(4)Mental health situation: Expect the somatization, obsession, anxiety, and paranoid ideation, other factors were comparatively low in central part university students compared with domestic norm (U =2.35-3.23, P 〈 0.05 or 0.01), which was indicated by the result of mental symptom self-evaluation form.(5)Nutritious health situation: Compared with national contemporary female university students, the regular weight percentage of central part female university students was obviously reduced (t =3.18, P 〈 0.01), and lower weight percentage was obviously elevated (t =4.32, P 〈 0.01). Compared with national contemporary male university students, lower weight percentage of central part male university students was obviously elevated (t =3.42, P 〈 0.01), and the malnutrition percentage dropped (t =2.38, P〈 0.05). (6)Current situation of the healthy cognition and healthy behavior: 68.91% of central part university students presented the irregular rule of the work and rest regime; 57.45% of them had not fostered the habit of participating in physical training; 37.4% did not get enough sleep. In the choice of major factors affecting the health (physical training, healthcare, reasonable habits and customs, fine psychology), only 24.74% of students completely chose the correct answer. In the choice concerning health (physiological health, psychological health, good society adaptability), only 26.67% of students completely chose the correct answer.(7)The situation of the extracurricular physical training: Male students' options of the basketball and the football accounted for 22% and 16%; the endurance projects giving first place to the running accounted for 3% only. Female students' option of running accounted for 26%; the options of the badminton and table tennis accounted for 17% and 19%. ~Leisure activities: On-line of boys and sports training accounted for 40% and 32%, followed by learning to read, watching television and chatting, etc. On-line of girls accounted for 34%, followed by learning to read, watching television and sports training, etc. CONCLUSION: The cardiovascular function and respiratory function of central part university students are stronger, but the quality of their endurance is anxious, and the rise of latent malnutrition proportion is possible. They lack of healthy awareness and their mental health is weak. Forming the good lifestyle is very important to university student's health, so we should take effective measures to improve central part university students' constitution and the level of mental health.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第52期10595-10598,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
基金 2005年河南省教育厅资助(2005-ZX-405) 2006年河南省社科联调研课题(SKL-2006-950)~~
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