

Middle school students' learning social adaptability and its influential factors
摘要 目的:从朋友关系、老师关系、家庭环境、学校环境4个方面调查中学生学习社会适应及其影响因素。方法:调查于2005-02/2006-02在汕头市4所中学完成。调查对象的选择主要考虑以下几个维度:①重点与非重点学校。②性别。③年级。采用整群随机取样,以班级为样本,共计20个班,1186名,其中男生586名,女生600名。对参与者进行学习社会因素测验,分析其学习社会适应及其影响因素。学习社会因素测验,该测验共80道题,包括朋友关系、老师关系、家庭环境、学校环境4个分测验。以班级为单位进行集体测试。采用统一的记分方法,如:1~36题凡奇数题为正向题,选"a"计3分,选"b"计2分,选"c"计1分;凡偶数题为负向题,选"a"计1分,选"b"计2分,选"c"计3分。自编程序对结果进行统计,算出每个学生测试的原始分,再将原始分按常模换算表换算成标准分,再按常模等级表确定属于哪一个等级,进而转换成等级分。包括5个等级,"1"为差等,"2"为中下,"3"为中等,"4"为中上,"5"为优等。结果:1186名中学生参加测试,收回有效问卷1142份,占总数96.29%。①中学生学习社会因素整体适应较好,师生关系、朋友关系,家庭环境、学校环境4个维度都在3分以上,4个因素与均值之间的差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。②中学生学习社会各因素同一性发展较好。③学校级别(区级、市级、省级)和年级差异(初一、初二、高一、高二)对中学生学习社会适应各维度影响差异均有显著性意义(P=0.001)。④性别差异对中学生的朋友关系、师生关系影响显著(P<0.05)。结论:中学生学习社会适应状态不佳,学校级别、年级和性别对中学生学习社会适应有不同程度的影响。 AIM: To explore learning social adaptability and its factors of middle school students by investigate the following four aspects: the relations between fellow students, the relations of students and teachers, students in family environment, and students in educational environment. METHODS: The investigation was accomplished in four middle schools of Shantou city between February 2005 and February 2006 with Learning Social Factors Test (LSFT), which was used to explore learning social adaptability and its factors of middle school students. Considering three dimensionality of: (1)key school and not, (2)gender, (3)grade. Whole random was adopted with class sample, counting up to 20 classes, totally 1 186 students including male 586 and female 600. There were 80 questions about LSFT, including the relations between fellow students, the relations of students and teachers, students in family environment, and students in educational environment. All the subjects were tested by class unit with uniform count method. Such as: Question 1-36 if odd number was regarded as positive question and chose "a" scoring 3, chose "b" scoring 2, chose "c" scoring 1; if even number was regarded as negative question and chose "a" scoring 1, chose "b" scoring 2, chose "c" scoring 3. The result was analyzed by self-made program to work out the odginal score of every student, then change them into the standard score according to the normative sample table, and grade them in five ranks: "1" as the worst, "2" as bad, "3" as normal, "4" as better, and "5" as the best. RESULTS: All 186 students took part in the test, and 1 142 pieces of effective questionnaires were taken back, occupying 96.29% of the whole. (1) Most students of average social adaptability was at an acceptable level. Four dimensionalities of the relations between fellow students, the relations of students and teachers, students in family environment, and students in educational environment were all over 3 scores. There were significant differences between the four factors and means (P 〈 0.05).(2)For middle school students, social factors of learning evolved towards the same direction, with learning social factors of learning developing in harmony.(3)The school level (area grade, city grade and province grade) and grade (the first and the second of junior high school and the first and the second of senior high school) had significant influences on middle school students' learning social adaptability (P =0.001).(4)Boy students were different from girl students in skills of getting along with teachers and fellow students significantly (P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: The state of middle school students' learning social adaptability is at an acceptable level. Different schools, different grades, and either gender all affect students' learning social adaptability in different degrees.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第52期10617-10620,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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