
民族认同与少数民族青少年问题行为 被引量:6

Ethnic identity and problem behavior of minority adolescents
摘要 目的:少数民族在人口比例和经济政治地位上的提升,其与主流社会在民族认同和文化上的冲突也随之增加,由此引发的青少年特别是少数民族青少年问题行为也大大增加。研究民族认同在青少年行为中作用的重要性开始显现。资料来源:本文通过应用计算机检索ProQuest数据库2000-01/2006-07期间的相关文章,检索词"Erthnic,Racial,Identity,Problem Behavior"并限定文章语言种类为English,同时计算机检索CNKI学术期刊数据库2000-01/2006-07期间的相关文章,检索词"民族认同,问题行为",限定文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取上述内容的实验或相关研究报告的文献,然后筛除明显不随机实验的研究,对剩余的文献开始查找全文,然后选择是随机对照实验或相关研究的报告。纳入标准:①实验或测量有公认的量表或其他测量工具。②实验或测量是针对少数民族青少年的。③实验或测量是针对问题行为的。排除标准:综述文献。资料提炼:共收集到46篇关于民族认同与问题行为方面的文章,其中30篇属于与少数民族青少年相关的实验研究报告,符合纳入标准。在排除的16篇中,有10篇属于成人研究,6篇为综述或重复研究。资料综合:①青少年的问题行为一般指偏离常态标准的行为,是青少年发展中出现的各种影响其人格发展和身心健康的行为。一般分为内隐问题行为与外显问题行为。导致少数民族青少年出现问题行为的一个重要因素是民族认同问题。②广义民族认同的4个子维度(对本少数民族的认同程度、对其他民族的态度、受歧视感和文化适应)都与少数民族青少年的内隐和外显的行为问题密切相关,对于少数民族青少年的问题行为具有可靠的预报功能。③在少数民族青少年中,高水平的民族认同,如果伴随对其他族群的积极态度,会产生积极的心理和行为结果;反之,无论是来自文化适应的压力还是青少年的受种族歧视感,都会对青少年的心理和行为调节产生消极影响。结论:本少数民族认同程度与青少年问题行为(无论是外显还是内隐问题行为)之间有显著相关。进一步开展民族认同与问题行为预测方面的研究对于维护少数民族青少年心理健康,防止青少年暴力和反社会行为以及对中国这个多民族国家的统一、稳定有极其重要的作用。 OBJECTIVE: With the promotion of ethnic group's social status and population, the number of conflicts of ethnic identity and culture between ethnic groups and the main society has become more and more. Therefore, problem behavior, especially that of ethnic adolescents also becomes more. To study the importance of ethnic identity in adolescent behavior. DATA SOURCES: The relevant articles were collected from ProQuest database published from January 2000 to July 2006 with the key words of "Ethnic, Racial, Identity, Problem Behavior" in English. At the same time, CNKI database were undertaken to identify relevant articles published between January 2000 and July 2006 with the key words of "ethnic identity, problem behavior" in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION: After the data were checked firstly, the experimental and investigative papers were selected, and then significantly non-randomized research were excluded. The full-texts of the other articles were searched. Randomized controlled experimental and investigative papers were collected. Inclusive criteria: (1)the experiments or measures had recognized scales, and (2) participates were ethnic adolescents, and (3) the experiments or measures were about problem behavior. Exclusive criterion was review articles. DATA EXTRACTION: There were 46 about ethnic identity and problem behavior, in which only 30 about ethnic adolescents, so accepted. Of the 16 rejected articles, there were 10 about adults and 6 were reviews or repetitive study. DATA SYNTHESIS: (1)Problem behavior of adolescents commonly referred to a behavior far from normal criterion, and was a behavior that affected personality and physical and mental health in adolescent development. Generally, it included implicit problem behavior and explicit problem behavior. A main factor of adolescents' problem behavior was identity. (2)Four sub-dimensions (identity of their minority, attitude to other nation, discrimination sense and cultural accommodation) of generally known ethnic identity were closely associated with implicit problem behavior and explicit problem behavior of minority ethnic group adolescents. It had reliable forecasting function for problem behavior of minority ethnic group adolescents. (3)A high level of ethnic identity, if accompanied by positive attitudes toward other groups, would yield positive psychological and behavioral outcomes in minority adolescents. In contrast, acculturative stress or adolescents' perception of racial discrimination has a negative effect on adolescents' psychological and behavioral adjustment. CONCLUSION: There is a high level correlation between ethnic identity and adolescents' problem behavior (no matter explicit or implicit). It is very important to have a forward research of the correlation between ethnic identity and problem behavior for maintaining Chinese ethnic adolescents' psycholog!cal healthy, preventing violence and anti-social behavior and for the unity and stability of multiple nations China.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第52期10640-10643,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题 教育部重点课题(DMA050179) 教育部人文社会科学重大项目(04JJDZH014)~~
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