目的:评价高分辨力三维增强磁共振血管成像术(3D CE MRA)诊断肾动脉纤维肌层发育不良(FMD)的价值。方法:5例经临床和DSA造影确诊的肾动脉FMD患者行肾动脉高分辨力3D CE MRA检查,扫描同时使用透视触发和并行采集技术。分析所有患者的肾动脉和FMD显示情况,并与DSA对照。结果:肾动脉3D CE MRA清楚显示5例患者10支肾动脉主干及其近端段级分支,且静脉均未显影或显影很淡。5例FMD均为单侧肾动脉受累,2例表现为肾动脉主干和近端段级分支串珠状改变,3例表现为肾动脉中段局限性狭窄。3D CE MRA显示结果与DSA一致。结论:高分辨力肾动脉3D CE MRA能较好检出肾动脉主干和近端分支的FMD。
Objective:To assess the value of high-resolution 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography (3D CE MRA) in the diagnosis of renal artery fibromuscular dysplaisa (FMD), Methods: Five patients with clinically and angiographically diagnosed renal artery FMD underwent high-resolution 3D CE MRA of the renal arteries using fluoroscopic triggering and parallel acquisition techniques. The overall image quality of the renal artery and depiction of FMD were evaluated. The demonstration of vascular pathology was compared with that on DSA. Results: 3D CE MRA clearly identified all 10 main renal arteries and their proximal segments in 5 subjects without or with minimal venous contamination, Unilateral lesions were observed in all patients. A typical string-of-beads appearance involving the main renal artery and its proximal segmental branches was demonstrated in 2 patients. In 3 patients,focal stenosis was identified in the middle part of the main renal artery. All these findings were confirmed by DSA. Conclusion:Renal artery FMD can be properly diagnosed using high-resolution 3D CE MRA.
Radiologic Practice
Magnetic resonance angiography
Renal artery
Fibromuscular dysplaisa