
论外交保护制度中的公司国籍规则——2004年联合国国际法委员会《外交保护条款草案》述评 被引量:3

On the Rules on the Nationality of Corporations of the Diplomatic Protection System——Comments on ILC Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection 2004
摘要 外交保护的对象包括一国的公司,有权行使外交保护的国家原则上是公司的国籍国。外交保护制度适用特定的公司国籍规则。公司国籍适用双重标准:成立地和注册办事处、管理层总部所在地等,而不适用"真正联系"标准。在公司不存在或公司具有造成损害的被指称责任国的国籍的情形下,股东的国籍国可以行使外交保护权。 The objects of diplomatic protection include corporations of a state. The state which has rights of diplomatic protection is generally the state of nationality of corporations. The diplomatic protection system includes special rules on nationality of corporations. The nationality of corporations applies dual criteria: the formed location and the location of registered office or the seat of management, etc. , while the "genuine link" test can not be applied. Where a corporation had ceased to exist or it had the nationality of the state responsible for causing injury to the corporation, the state of nationality of the shareholders of corporation is entitled to exercise diplomatic protection.
作者 黄涧秋
出处 《甘肃政法学院学报》 CSSCI 2007年第6期85-89,共5页 Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute
基金 江苏省教育厅2006年哲学社会科学基金项目<我国海外公民权益的外交保护>(批准号:06SJD820001)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 外交保护 公司 国籍 股东 diplomatic protection corporations nationality shareholders
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