
文学史研究与文化研究——蒋承勇教授访谈录 被引量:2

The Research of Literary History and Cultural Studies:An Interview with Professor Jiang Chengyong
摘要 蒋承勇教授,西方文学史专家、博士生导师,已出版《西方文学"人"的母题研究》、《现代文化视野中的西方文学》、《十九世纪现实主义文学的现代阐释》、《英国小说发展史》等文学史研究专著多部,主持编写外国文学教材多种,在《中国社会科学》、《外国文学评论》、《外国文学研究》、《文艺研究》等重要期刊发表论文100余篇。2007年秋,本刊特约记者曾繁亭就"文学史研究"和"文化研究"等话题与他进行了多次对话。蒋教授指出,文化乃文学存活与发展的土壤,文学史研究必须植入到文化史或思想史的框架中才有可能;而基于西方文学的"人学"传统,"人"的母题理应成为我们把握西方文学史的一条红线。针对国内西方文学史研究与书写中的种种缺憾,他强调"思潮研究"的重要意义;并坚持认为文学史必须讲述文学与传统的关系。就当下文学研究中的"文化研究热"以及文学研究中的学风问题,他也旗帜鲜明地表明了自己的立场和观点。 Jiang Chengyong is a professor and famous scholar in the research field of the Western literary history. His major publications include such monographs as Study on the Motif of "Man" in Western Literature, Western Literature in the Perspective of Modern Culture, Modern Interpretation of Realistic Literature in the 19th Century, and The History of English Novel. He has also compiled many foreign literature textbooks and published, more than 100 academic papers. In the autumn of 2007, Prof. Zeng Fanting, guest correspondent of Foreign Literature Studies, had an interview with Prof. Jiang on such topics as the research of literary history and cultural studies. Prof. Jiang points out that culture is the soil where literature lives and develops, so the research of literary history is possible only when it is put into the frame of cultural or ideological history ; therefore, the motif of "man" based on Western cultural tradition ought to be a thread for us to grasp the Western literary history. In view of the flaws of Western literary study, he emphasizes the importance of the study of trends of literary thought and insists that literary history tell the relation between literature and tradition. As to the questions of "cultural study fever" and the bad style of study in the present academic circles, Prof. Jiang also has a clear-cut stand and viewpoints.
作者 曾繁亭
机构地区 中南大学文学院
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期1-9,共9页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 文学史 文学思潮 文化研究 literary history trends of literary thought cultural study
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