The performance of adsorption and separation for liensinine, isoliensinine and neferine was studied by double-column adsorption chromatography using macroporous adsorption and cation exchange resins. The alkaloid extract with 49.2% total contents by mass representing 10.6% liensinine, 10.6% isoliensinine and 28.0% neferine respectively was prepared by D72 cation exchange resins, in which most of the impurities were water-soluble alkaloids. Furthermore,the alkaloid extract with 82.6% total contents by mass containing 33.1%, 15.0% and 34.5% of the three adsorbates respectively was prepared by double-column adsorption chromatography using AKS-W macroporous adsorption and D72 cation exchange resins. As a result, the content of single and total alkaloids has been greatly increased by the double-column adsorption chromatography.
The performance of adsorption and separation for liensinine, isoliensinine and neferine was studied by double-column adsorption chromatography using macroporous adsorption and cation exchange resins. The alkaloid extract with 49.2% total contents by mass representing 10.6% liensinine, 10.6% isoliensinine and 28.0% neferine respectively was prepared by D72 cation exchange resins, in which most of the impurities were water-soluble alkaloids. Furthermore, the alkaloid extract with 82.6% total contents by mass containing 33.1%, 15.0% and 34.5% of the three adsorbates respectively was prepared by double-column adsorption chromatography using AKS-W macroporous adsorption and D72 cation exchange resins. As a result, the content of single and total alkaloids has been greatly increased by the double-column adsorption chromatography.
The Educational Bureau of Hebei Province (Grant No.2007317)
Scientific Foundation of Langfang Normal College (Grant No.LS200513)
Nankai University Innovation Fund