
小剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图对再灌注心肌预后的研究 被引量:1

Detecting the change of viable myocardium in patients with reperfused myocardial infarction by low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography
摘要 目的通过小剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图试验对急性心肌梗死行急诊PCI术的患者进行存活心肌的检测,并随访病人在3个月时左室收缩功能的恢复情况,探讨在不同负荷条件下再灌注心肌对心脏功能预后的价值。方法行急诊PCI术的冠心病患者30例,于入院第10天及三个月时应用小剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图观察其不同负荷条件下左室射血分数(LVEF)和室壁运动的变化。结果术后第10天时静息状态LVEF提高≥5%的患者分为A组,其余归为B组。A组患者术后10天及术后3月时静息及不同负荷条件下LVEF持续增加,左室室壁运动记分指数(WM-SI)持续减低。B组患者在术后10天、3个月时静息LVEF提高不明显,但在负荷条件下LVEF持续升高,WMSI持续减低。结论负荷条件下LVEF和WMSI的改变对评价患者再灌注心肌的预后具有重要价值。 Objective To evaluate the response of left ventrieular ejection fraetion (LVEF) to different doses dobutamine infusion in patients with repel'fused myocardial infarction,and detetect the changes of viable myoeardium afte revaseularization. Methods 30 patients with AMI underwent low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography (LDDSE) on the 10th day and 3 months after revaseularizalion, the response of LVEF and wall motion during LDDSE were compared in these patients. Results All the patients were divided into two groups, group A with,and group B without significant improvement in resting LVEF (≥5%).After revaseularization,the LVEF response during DSE improved significantly and left ventrieular wall marion score index (WMSl)decreased significantly in group A.ln group B resting LVEF did not improve significantly after revaseular- ization,but stress LVEF improved signifieantly and left ventrieular WMSI decreased significantly on the 10th day and 3 months. Conclusion LDDSE can evaluate the benefit of revascularization in patients with viable myoeardium.
出处 《中国现代医药杂志》 2007年第12期22-24,共3页 Modern Medicine Journal of China
关键词 超声心动罔 多巴酚丁胺 心肌再灌注 左室射血分数 Eehoeardiography Dobutamine Myocardial repel'fusion left ventricular ejection fraetion(LVEF)
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