在IEEE802.11无线局域网中,WEP协议存在问题,不能有效保证用户数据的安全;认证机制过于简单,无法区分单个用户。提出将PPPoE(PPP Over Ethernet)协议作为无线局域网的接入方案。给出了PPPoE在无线局域网中的部署方案。针对无线局域网的特点改进了PPPoE协议。使用动态会话密钥保证了数据的安全。
In IEEE802.1 l wirless local network, the WEP protocol have security flaws, and can't protect the security of user's data. Its authentication system is too simple to distinguish a single user. This paper proposes that PPPoE (PPP Over Ethernet) protocol can be used in wireless accessing and gives a network deployment using PPPoE in wireless local network. According to the characteristic of WLAN, PPPoE protocol is enhanced. A dynamic key is used to protect user's data.