Yaogan-3(Remote Sensing Satellite-3)satellite was launched by a LM-4C rocket from China's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center on November 11,2007.21 minutes after the lilt-off,the satellite separated from the rocket and entered to the preset orbit,which marked the successful fulfillmcnt of all Chinese launch missions for 2007.Both the Yaogan-3 satellite and the LM-4C launch vehicle are mainly developed by Shanghai Acadcmy of Spaceflight Technology.
Yaogan-3(Remote Sensing saltllite-3)satellite was launched by a LM-4C rocket from China's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center on November 11,2007,21 minutes after the lift-off,the satellite separated from the rocket and entered to the preset orbit,which marked the successful fulfillment of all Chinese launch missions for 2007.Both the Yaogan-3 satellite and the LM-4C launch vehicle are mainly developed by Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. The LM-4C is an upgrade of the LM-4B but includes a restart capability in the third stage engine. Yaogan-3 satellite weighs 2007kg and will be used for scientific research,land resources surey, crop yield estimation and disater forecast and prevention.