
任务型组织对法律政策资源的获取 被引量:1

Task-based Organizations Obtaining Legal and Policy Resources
摘要 对于常规组织来说,法律和政策往往是被作为制度和体制性因素来看待的;在管理学的视角中,法律和政策则被作为管理和控制的工具而加以认识;在我们考察组织结构的时候,法律和政策也被看作是约束和规范的因素。但是,对于组织理论而言,法律和政策还是一种资源,是组织运行中必须努力获取的资源。在法律和政策资源的获取上,常规组织更多地表现出资源控制的特征,从而引发了立法和政策制定上的激烈竞争。任务型组织在法律和政策资源的获取上与常规组织不同,它是通过与常规组织以及整个组织环境之间建立起信任与合作的关系而去获取法律和政策资源的。因而,为了获取法律和政策资源,任务型组织应当重视信任与合作关系的营建。 For conventional organizations, laws and policies are often used as the institutional and system factors. In the management perspective, laws and policies are recognized as tools for management and control. And in the study of the organizational structure, laws and policies are also seen as binding and regulating factors. However, in organization theory, laws and policies are still a kind of resource organizations must try hard to obtain. Different from conventional organizations, task-based organizations obtain legal and policy resources by establishing trust and cooperation relationship with conventional organizations, as well as the entire organizational environment. Thus, task-based organizations should attach importance to the construction the relationship of trust and cooperation.
作者 张康之 李东
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第4期1-5,55,共6页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
关键词 任务型组织 常规组织 法律和政策资源 task-based organizations conventional organizations legal and policy resources
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