
我国外资银行市场准入规则实证分析研究——兼评《外资银行管理条例》的合规性 被引量:2

An Empirical Research on Foreign Banks' Market Access in China——An Analysis on China's New Foreign Banking Regulations
摘要 根据入世承诺,我国从2006年12月11日起向外资全面开放金融业。作为规范外资银行的主要法规,新修订的《外资银行管理条例》及其实施细则对外资银行的本地注册、人民币零售业务和银行卡业务等方面作了相应的限制性规定。从法条层面看,这些限制规定似乎符合世贸组织有关服务贸易审慎监管的规定,但是从法理层面分析,特别是结合我国具体的入世承诺和其它的法律规定,这些限制措施的审慎理由并不充分,很容易受人诟病并招致其它世贸组织成员的挑战。 As a WTO member, China should start carrying out its WTO commitment to open its banking sector to foreign capital on December 11, 2006. However, the newly revised and promulgated Regulations on Administration of Banks with Foreign Investment and its implementing rules, which are currently the main rules to regulate foreign banks in China, still contain some restrictive provisions. These restrictions appear to be in accordance with WTO^s permission of prudential supervision, but such prudential reasons are not sufficient when examined in reference to China's WTO commitments and other relevant rules. "Prudential reasons" might not be an effective defense against certain complaints with respect to such restrictions in WTO dispute settlement proceedings. We recommend that the banking regulatory authority of China re-examine such restrictive provisions.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第6期24-32,共9页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 外资银行管理条例 金融服务 限制措施 入世承诺 foreign banking regulations financial service restrictive provisions WTO commitment
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