随着印刷业务的拓展和印刷环节的细分,各企业间的业务往来和数据交换日益增多,为了使不同企业所使用的不同系统无缝地进行通信和数据共享,采用XML WEB服务技术是实现跨平台应用程序交互和协作的最佳选择。根据XML WEB服务技术和印刷企业信息化的特点,设计了基于XML WEB服务技术的适应个性化印刷、快速印刷和远程印刷业务需求的可实现信息共享和异构数据集成的信息系统。
With the expansion of the printing business and the division of printing process, business contact and data interexchange among .enterprises increases rapidly. For compatible communication and data sharing in different systems, the adoption of XML WEB service technologies is the best choice in implementing cross-platform application program' s interaction and coordination. According to the characteristics of web services and printing enterprise informatization, an enterprise information sharing and heteroge- neous data integration system based on XML WEB service technologies is presented to adapt to the demand of individualized printing, quick printing and remote printing business.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication