Callopsylla(Callopsylla)qinghaiensis sp. nov ,could be seen in Fig.1.Diagnosis: The new species is similar to C. (Callopsylla ) changduensis Liu, Wu et Wu, 1966, but differsfrom the latter in the following characters: (1) in male, fixed process of clasper is longer, reached to 3/4-4/5 of anterior margin of movable process 4 (2 ) Angular process of anterior margin of movable process ishigher, on upper of the middle point; (3) The apex of the crochet point, with heavily sclertized region; (4 )The membraneous appendage of apical margin of the 8th sternite is divided by a sinus into dorsal and apicallobes, only apical lobe with silk; (5) In famale, posterior margin of sternum VII with a depper and wider sinus, dorsal lobe is larger and wider than ventral lobe. somewhat likes cirocular process.Types: Holotype ♂, 2. 6 mm, allotype ♀, 3. 3 mm, parstypes 58 ♂♂,2.5-3. 0 mm, 65♀♀, 3.0 -3. 7mm were collected in January, 1986 and in August, l989 off Ochotona gloveri, from Jiegu region (3 900metres above sea level ) Yushu county, another 9 ♂♂, 27♀♀paratypes collected from Jielong (elev. 4 180m), Yushu county in June. July and August, l971 and 1974, 2 ♂♂, 11♀♀ paratypes collected from Gaduo(elev. 4 2l0m), Chengduo county, hosted the same holotype. 2 ♂♂, 3♀♀ paratypes were collected off Ochotona erythrotis from Maclin county (elev. 3 700m ) in September, 1972 and 1 ♂ paratype collected fromHenan county (elev. 3 130m ) off Ochotona thibetana in August, 1982, Qinghai province. All types are deposited in Qinghai Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Research.
Callopsylla(Callopsylla)qinghaiensis sp. nov ,could be seen in Fig.1.Diagnosis: The new species is similar to C. (Callopsylla ) changduensis Liu, Wu et Wu, 1966, but differsfrom the latter in the following characters: (1) in male, fixed process of clasper is longer, reached to 3/4-4/5 of anterior margin of movable process 4 (2 ) Angular process of anterior margin of movable process ishigher, on upper of the middle point; (3) The apex of the crochet point, with heavily sclertized region; (4 )The membraneous appendage of apical margin of the 8th sternite is divided by a sinus into dorsal and apicallobes, only apical lobe with silk; (5) In famale, posterior margin of sternum VII with a depper and wider sinus, dorsal lobe is larger and wider than ventral lobe. somewhat likes cirocular process.Types: Holotype ♂, 2. 6 mm, allotype ♀, 3. 3 mm, parstypes 58 ♂♂,2.5-3. 0 mm, 65♀♀, 3.0 -3. 7mm were collected in January, 1986 and in August, l989 off Ochotona gloveri, from Jiegu region (3 900metres above sea level ) Yushu county, another 9 ♂♂, 27♀♀paratypes collected from Jielong (elev. 4 180m), Yushu county in June. July and August, l971 and 1974, 2 ♂♂, 11♀♀ paratypes collected from Gaduo(elev. 4 2l0m), Chengduo county, hosted the same holotype. 2 ♂♂, 3♀♀ paratypes were collected off Ochotona erythrotis from Maclin county (elev. 3 700m ) in September, 1972 and 1 ♂ paratype collected fromHenan county (elev. 3 130m ) off Ochotona thibetana in August, 1982, Qinghai province. All types are deposited in Qinghai Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Research.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Callopsylla (Callopsylla ) qinghaiensis
New species