目的研究水飞蓟宾-磷脂酰胆碱复合物(SPC)对脂多糖(LPS)诱导小鼠巨噬细胞核因子-κB(NF-κB)活化及NF-κB抑制蛋白α(IκBα)磷酸化的影响。方法提取健康6~8周龄昆明种小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞,培养成活后调细胞水平为2×10^5mL^-1,对照组加:入等量9g/L盐水,LPS组加入LPS,使其终水平10μg/mL,LPS刺激细胞24h,SPC干预组加入不同水平SPC,干预细胞2h后加入终水平为10μg/mL LPS刺激24h。免疫细胞化学法观测NF—κB激活、IκBα磷酸化的表达。结果对照组小鼠巨噬细胞细胞核内NF-κB p65水平很低,LPS组细胞核NF-κB p65水平显著高于对照组〈P〈0.01),不同水平SPC干预组小鼠巨噬细胞NF—κB p65水平降低,即NF—κB p65表达减少。且呈水平依赖性降低(P〈0.01)。细胞质内磷酸化的IκBα表达同胞核NF-κB p65水平变化基本一致。结论,SPC抑制LPS诱导的小鼠巨噬细胞内NF—κB活化,可能是通过抑制IκBα磷酸化及降解途径完成。
Objective To explore the effects of silybin -phosphatldyleholine compound ( SPC )on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - induced activation of nuclear factor - κB (NF - κB) and phosphorylation and degradation of inhibitors of NF-κBα(IκBα). Methods : Phagecyte were collected in abdominal cavity of Kunming mousse aged :6 to 8 weeks, Cultured phagocyte (2× 10^5 mL^-1 ) Were divrded into, control;LPS and SPC groups randomly, phagocyte in control group were added into the :same volume 0.9g/L sodium chloride. Phagocyte in LPS group were added into a single bolas of LPS( 10μg/mL LPS) for 24 hours, phagocyte in SPC groups were preincubated with different concentration of SPC for 2 hours followed by a 24 hours incubation with 10μg/mL LPS. immanocytochemistry were used to measure the contents of NF-κB, phosphorylated IκBα in phagocyte. Results The content of NF- κB p65 located in the nuclear in control group was little. The contant of NF - κB. p65 located in the nuclear in LPS group markly higher: than that in control group( P 〈 0.01 ). When pretreated with different, coneentrations of SPC for 2 hours., the content of NF - κB p65 located in the nuclear decreased gradually in a dose - dependent(P 〈0.01 ). The statistical analysis change trend ofphosphorylated IκBα located in the cytoplasm was almost accord with NF - κB p65. Conclusion The expression of NF-κB Was significantly inhibited by SPC, and this effect was mediated through the inhibition of the phosphorylation and degradation of IκBα.
Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics