
赣州市40~59岁城市居民2000~2004年体质状况的动态分析 被引量:3

Dynamic analysis on physical fitness status of Ganzhou citizen aged 40 to 59 years old from 2000 to 2004
摘要 目的:通过对赣州市40~59岁城市居民的体质健康状况进行了横向和纵向的系统分析,揭示其身体形态、生理机能和身体素质的规律变化。方法:2000年在国家体育总局的统一部署下共调查赣州市40~59岁城市居民1680人;2002年、2003和2004年在赣州市独立自主的情况下共调查赣州市40~59岁城市居民3142人(男1567人,女1575人);4022人(男1950人,女2072人)和3254人(男1600人,女1654人)。年龄以测试当日与身份证日期之差计算,每5岁一个年龄组,共4个年龄组。由赣州市体育局组建的国民体质测试队对成年人进行抽样测试。按《中国成年人体质测试标准手册》的要求测试了身高、体质量、肺活量、握力、坐位体前屈、闭目单足站立和反应时等指标。测试仪器采用国家体育总局审定的体质检测器材。对所采集的数据进行数理统计并逻辑分析。结果:①赣州市40~59岁城市居民5年间身高、体质量、肺活量、身体素质各项指标变化不大。②身高随年龄的增加呈逐渐降低的趋势。体质量随年龄的增加呈逐渐升高的趋势,54岁后,体质量呈下降趋势。肺活量随年龄增加呈逐渐下降的趋势,在各年龄段中,男女肺活量的均值均低于成年人的肺活量平均值的下线。③体能类各指标随年龄增大呈下降趋势。男性在45~49岁年龄段,握力最大,此后呈下降的趋势;女性在40~44岁年龄段,握力最大,此后呈下降的趋势。④男女各年龄段的柔韧性随着年龄的增加呈逐渐下降的趋势,女性的柔韧性比男性好。男性平衡能力比女性好,而女性反应速度要比男性快。结论:赣州市40~59岁城市居民身高、体质量、肺活量、身体素质各指标随年龄增大呈下降趋势,5年间各项指标变化不大。 AIM: To reveal the changes in physical morphology, physiological function, and physical fitness of the 40-59 years old residents from Ganzhou through the analysis on their physical health conditions. METHODS: Under the unified arrangements of the State Sports General Administration of China, 1 680 urban dwellers from Ganzhou City of 40-59 years old were investigated in 2000. Then 3 142 (1 567 males and 1 575 females) 4 022 (1 950 males, 2 072 females) and 3 254 (1 600 males, 1 654 females) 40 to 59-year-old urban dwellers were investigated in 2002, 2003 and 2004, respectively. According to identity cards, they were divided into 4 age groups with five-year-old as one group. The sample tests were conducted by the National Physique testing team. According to the Chinese Adults Physical Testing Standards Manual, the height, body mass, vital capacity, grip strength, seating bodybending, single foot and one eye closed, and reaction time were measured. State Sports General Administration of physical validation testing equipment was used. Data were collected by a number of statistics and logical analysis. RESULTS: (1)The height, body mass, and vital capacity of people from Ganzhou City hardly changed during the five years. (2)The height was decreased with age, while the body mass gradually increased with age until 54 years old, the body mass gradually decreased. Vital capacity of the urban residents was declining with age. In each age group, the average vital capacity was below the down line of the adult average of vital capacity. (3)Each physical indicator displayed downward trend with age. Men aged 45-49 years were of the greatest grip strength, then declined gradually; Women in the 40-44 years old were of the greatest grip strength, then showed a downward trend. (4)The flexibility of men and women of all ages was decreased with the increase of age, and women were more flexible than men. However, the balance of men was better than women, while women reacted faster than men. CONCLUSION: All physical quality indicators of Ganzhou 40 to 59-year-old urban residents are declining with the age, but the changes are not distinct during 5 years.
作者 黄佑琴 李平
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第49期9951-9953,共3页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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