随着无线网络的迅速发展,网络上的业务流量与日俱增,如何保证无线局城网实时业务服务质量的问题也越来越突出。文中分别介绍了IEEE 802.11中的MAC层协议和802.1le标准中所采纳的改进方式,通过对比分析DCF和EDCF的性能特性,具体仿真时延和丢包率两个性能参数,指出了802.11e标准对MAC层所做的改进。
With rapid development of the WLAN technologies, the service flow grows with each passing day, and how to ensure the real-time service quality has become a research focus of WLAN. This paper introduces both MAC level protocols of IEEE 802.11 standard and the modification adopted in 802.11e standards. By comparing time delay and pocket losses simulations, the paper analyzes the DCF and EDCE characteristics, identifies the improvements made in 802. 11e MAC level protocols.
Communications Technology