
新城疫病毒La Sota株F蛋白结构与部分功能区的预测 被引量:1

Prediction of structure and functional regions for NDV La Sota F protein
摘要 以新城疫病毒(Newcastlediseace virus,NDV)La sota F蛋白的氨基酸序列为基础,采用Chou-Fasman法、Garnier-Robson法、Karplus-Schulz法与Kyte-Doolittle法、Emini法和Jameson-Wolf法分别预测蛋白质的二级结构和B细胞抗原表位。预测结果表明,NDV La Sota F蛋白结构较为复杂,含有较多的α-螺旋、β-折叠区,转角和无规则卷曲等有柔韧性区域。此外,应用Tmap法预测了NDV La sota F蛋白的跨膜区域,通过同源建模的方法预测了该蛋白的三维空间结构,并比较了强弱毒株裂解位点处空间结构的不同。为进一步通过试验方法确定其蛋白的B细胞表位和从结构出发了解其生物学功能,提供了理论依据。 The secondary structure and antigenic sites of the fusion protein capsid protein of of newcastle disease vaccine strain (La Sota) was predicted based on published sequences by the methods of of Chou-Fasman, Gamier-Robson and KarplusSchulz, and Kyte-Doolittle, Emini and Jameson-Wolf. The transmembrane regions of the protein was predicted by the method of Tmap. The three-dimensional structure was obtained by submitting amino acids sequence to the swiss-model server and the differences of the cleavage motifs between velogenic NDV and lentogenic NDV was analyzed. The results showed that the N gene contained several flexible regions such as coils and turns and three membrane spanning regions. Certain epitopes appeared with a high probability of occurrence. This study provided a solid foundation for identification of B cell epitopes for the fusion protein and understanding its biological functions on the basis of protein structure.
出处 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期938-942,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2006BAD06A03)
关键词 NDV LA SOTA F蛋白 结构 B细胞抗原表位 功能 NDV La Sota F protein structure B cell epitopes function
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