Though the convention of cremation had declined in Ming Dynasty and from the court there's a detailed ban on it, some humble dead still had been cremated. Of the cremation described in Jinpingraei Cihua, the cremated one is the one who was persecuted to death. The reason why Simen Qing adopted this measure to cremate Wuda and Song Huilian are : I. the eonvention of cremation declined but didn' t perish, Ⅱ. he attempted to mask the evidence of the sinister murdering and the indifferenee to the humble. Through the probing into the evolution of the eonvention of cremation, it is helpful for us to understand better one of the aspects of the social reality in Ming Dynasty and to apprebend the fiction Jinpingmei Cihua much better..
Jinpingmei Cihua
convention of cremation
social reality