
控制贪食(英文) 被引量:1

Managing Gluttony
摘要 现在学习建筑的学生需要掌握比以前更多的东西,如计算机和图像、可持续发展、媒体研究、都市规划、城市景观、批判性理论和批评、全球化等。建筑学的研究生教学所面临的挑战是需要平衡与建筑、城市和景观设计相关的极其繁杂的主题,同时将重点放在培养基本技能以及把握灵活多变的学科界限。建筑学潜在的多学科交叉需求以及研究性大学的其他学术机构,很自然地使得我们重视在文化、社会和政治环境中建筑、城市、景观和建造技术问的关系,密切关注世界范围内的设计中心和自已机构里的其他学科。另外,教师和管理者应该对新事物非常敏感,如研究方法、先进的信息技术、国际视野的实践、环境和可持续发展、新的建造技术和材料等。成功的研究生培养计划会不断地改进课程大纲,并意识到建筑师正面临着非同寻常的全新的建筑项目。 Architecture is larger than ever, and a new problem has arisen in the last decade out of the need to stuff ever more content into a student's period of study-versus the pressures, from outside of higher education, to keep the period of a student's studies as trim as possible. Simply put, we are being required to eat much-too-much for the bodies we are allowed. The challenges, here, are the need to balance the introduction to a tremendous number of topics relevant to the design of building, cities, and landscapes, with the need to concentrate on establishing the basic skills and rather flexible boundaries of the discipline. The potential for interdisciplinary programs within a school of architecture, and with other academic units at a research university, should naturally help us stress the relationship of architecture, urbanism, landscape, and building technologies to their cultural, social, and political milieu. It is my view that we should look to work as closely with the "centers" of design throughout the world, as with other academic disciplines within our home institutions. Teachers and administrators should also be sensitive to ideas related to current, and emerging, developments in: research techniques; advanced information technology, international aspects of practice; environmental and sustainability considerations; and new building methods and materials. A successful post-graduate program is constantly transforming its curriculum to recognize that architects are increasingly presented with unusual and new building programs, and that practitioners today are expected to formulate solutions that enhance the quality of life in unexpected environments. This brings up new and important questions, which teachers and students, alike, need to be asking.
出处 《新建筑》 2007年第6期43-45,共3页 New Architecture
关键词 建筑学 研究生教育 平衡 architecture, post-graduate education, balance
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