PCB(Printed Circuit Board)中文名称为印刷电路板,是电子产品的重要部件之一。几乎每种电子设备只要存在电子元件,它们之间的电气互联都要使用印刷电路板。本文通过我院应用电子技术专业实践性教学,总结出用PROTEL DXP软件设计PCB的基本原则及在实验室的制板方法,增强本专业学生的动手能力。
Printed Circuit Board is an important component of electronic product. Almost every electronic equipment with electronic elements is connected by printed circuit board. Through the practical teaching of applied electronic technique, the basic principle of designing PCB by PROTEL DXP software in lab is presented, which can improve student's applied ability.
Journal of Yangling Vocational & Technical College