党的十四大提出:我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制。正如江泽民同志所说:“建立社会主义市场经济体制涉及到我国经济基础和上层建筑的许多领域,需要有一系列相应的体制改革和政策调整。”作为政府职能部门的卫生行政机关,当然也需要在诸多方面进行调整,以适应卫生改革的需要。 国民经济各部门是一个既互相联系,又互相制约的社会系统。卫生部门是其中的一个组成部分。卫生部门的宏观结构是由预防、保健、医疗、康复等多个子系统组成的。尽管他们的功能各异,但就整体而言。
The duties of health administrative departments are more and more clear with the establishment and development of market-oriented system. We think that they are mainly the following aspects:
1. To work out and organize implementation regional health course developments carrying out macro regulation policies.
2. Breed and perfect medical service market system for medical serviced into market to create an excellent internal and external environments.
3. Make strenuous efforts to propagandize health executive regulations and carry out supervision based on laws.
4. Set up and perfect social medical security system ,and satisfy gradually the basis medical demand of the entire society.
5. Collect and dispose rationally health resources.
6. Strive actively for government support and all departments coordinate work.
7. Concentrate on training and importing qualified personnel.
Chinese Health Economics