

摘要 This study was conducted to assess the existing concentration of 17β-estradiol(E2)in the surface water samples collected from rivers and lakes around Klang Valley,Malaysia.E2,which is a natural feminizing chemical produced in female organisms,regularly used to compare with other environmental estrogens because they behave similarly and react effectively as a hormone at a very low concentration.It was found that the average concentration of E2 in the aquatic environment of Klang Valley was(14.08 ±3.67)pg/mL,which was 14 times higher than those in the Japanese aquatic environment in this study.The river system had the average concentration of(20.02±5.26)pg/mL while the lake had an average concentration of(5.91±3.39)pg/mL.The E2 concentration was presumed high if the sources occurred nearby the area.Current levels of E2 in the aquatic environment may possess threats to existing aquatic organisms.Since high level of E2 has been discovered in the aquatic environment around Klang Valley,further studies and monitoring of E2 and other EDCs concentrations are needed to determine their levels in Malaysian aquatic environment and help to control these chemicals pollution in the aquatic environment. This study was conducted to assess the existing concentration of 17β -estradiol (E2) in the surface water samples collected from rivers and lakes around Klang Valley, Malaysia. E2, which is a natural feminizing chemical produced in female organisms, regularly used to compare with other environmental estrogens because they behave similarly and react effectively as a hormone at a very low concentration. It was found that the average concentration of E^2 in the aquatic environment of Klang Valley was ( 14.08 ± 3.67) pg/mL, which was 14 times higher than those in the Japanese aquatic environment in this study. The river system had the average concentration of (20.02 ± 5.26) pg/mL while the lake had an average concentration of (5.91 ± 3.39) pg/mL. The E2 concentration was presumed high if the sources occurred nearby the area. Current levels of E2 in the aquatic environment may possess threats to existing aquatic organisms. Since high/eve/of E2 has been discovered in the aquatic environment around Klang Valley, further studies and monitoring of E2 and other EDCs concentrations are needed to determine their levels in Malaysian aquatic environment and help to control these chemicals pollution in the aquatic environment.
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2007年第4期322-325,共4页 Wetland Science
关键词 水生环境 马来群岛 地表水 峡谷 17Β-雌二醇 评估 17β- estradiol (E2) surface water aquatic environments Klang Valley
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