随着气象信息事业的飞速发展,气象信息网络系统中的信息资源越来越多,使得系统在信息安全方面面临一些新的需求,而PKI架构作为目前比较成熟的提供信息安全服务的安全基础设施,为满足这种新的需求提供了解决方案。文中提出了一个气象系统的层次结构模型的PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)架构,然后对架构中的一个节点中国气象局CA(Certificate Authority)证书机构的系统结构和工作流程做了详细的描述,针对具体应用探讨了使用中国气象局证书机构如何来实现安全的单点登录应用。
With the rapid development of meteorological information service, the information resources in meteorological information networks become more and more abundant, which raises new requirements to the information security system. The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) system architecture, as relatively ripe network information security architecture, can provide the solution. The hierarchical model of the PKI architecture for meteorological service is presented, and the system architecture and working procedure of CMA-CA (China Meteorological Administration- Certificate Authority), one of nodes of the PKI architecture, are described. The realization of single-entry application through CMA-CA to a safe single entry system is discussed.
Meteorological Science and Technology