It was Meng Qi who first proposed the viewpoint that Tu Fu produced “the poetry of historical significance.” He believed that Tu Fu' s poems written during the historical period of Anlushan RebeLlion while the poet was wondering in Gansu, Suchuan, not only reflected the poet's life experience and displayed his personal sentiments comprehensively, but also reflected the social reality of his own age, and that his poetry could thus be regarded as “the poetry of historical significance.” In addition, Song Qi believed that, since Tu Fu' s metrical poems were good at stating current events with strict and elaborated meter and breadth of spiritual realm, they constitute a style of “the poetry of historical significance.” What' s more, Hu Zongyu believed that, Tu Fu' s poetry integrated lyrical elements and narrative factors while presenting the unity between his personal expressions and the spirit of the age, and thus it established a category of poems as “historical records.” The viewpoint of Tu Fu as the “Poet of Historical Significance” was established during the middle of Northern Song Dynasty.
Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
the viewpoint of “the poetry of historical significance”
Tu Fu poetry
Meng Qi
Song Qi
Hu Zongyu