As early as 6000 years ago, ancient Chinese created proposition forms using Yao - Gua and dialectic logic formal deductive systems using 8 - Gua and 64 - Gua. Thereafter, the interpretation systems of the semantic meanings for Yao and Gua were also created. Even later, the interpretation systems of the semantic meanings and the applications of The Book of Yi were created. For thousands of years, The Book of Yi has been the living sources of China' s traditional logic and culture. Mathematical dialectic logic has as its subject the formal structure and the rules of valid reasoning of complementary - structure - thoughts, which is based on the logic in The Book of Yi as its dialectic logic basis, and is also the consistent extension of the logic in the ,Book of Yi. Mathematical dialectic logic provides modem logic formalization methodologies for the modernization of the logic of the Book of Yi. The DPA ^++ logic formal axiomatic systems explained in this paper which were founded in The Book of Yi is the modernized form of formal axiomatic systems.
Formal Deductive System in The Book of Yi
China' s Traditional logic
Mathematical Dialectic logic
DPA^++ logic Formal Axiomatic Systems Founded in The Book of Yi.