
激光外差测量中的光学失配问题 被引量:1

The Optical Mismatch Problem in the Laser Heterodyne Measurement
摘要 说明了激光外差测量原理.分析了三种光学失配情形(等相位面失配、准直失配和偏移失配)下外差效率的不同表达形式,计算了三种失配情形影响下的外差效率变化曲线.得出:等相位面失配、准直失配和偏移失配三方面的增大都会不同程度地使外差效率降低,针对具体不同情况,外差效率的降低还受到探测器相对位置远近以及探测器光敏面半径相对于光斑半径的大小等因素的影响. The testing principle of the laser heterodyne measurement system is explained. The expressions of the heterodyne efficiency in the conditions of three kinds of optical mismatch including equiphase surface mismatch, collimation mismatch and deviation mismatch are analyzed. The varying curves of heterodyne efficiency affected by three kinds of optical mismatch are calculated and the result is that heterodyne efficiency could be reduced as the three kinds of optical mismatch increase, in addition, the heterodyne efficiency reduction is also affected by another factors such as the relative position of detector and the area of photo-sensitive surface.
作者 田竹梅
机构地区 忻州师范学院
出处 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第4期75-78,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 激光外差测量 光学失配 外差效率 光程差 laser heterodyne measurement optical mismatchlheterodyne efficiency optical path difference
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