
基于知识整合价值链的企业并购知识整合研究 被引量:7

Research on Knowledge Integration Management in Enterprise M&A Based on Knowledge Integration Value Chain
摘要 企业并购协同作用的实现需要对并购双方企业的知识系统进行有效整合.通过构建企业并购的知识整合价值链,从知识冲突、知识识别、知识转移、知识融合等环节动态研究企业并购中知识整合的管理过程.基于企业并购的知识整合价值链分析了瑞士Ciba-Geigy公司并购美国Alza公司案例中的知识整合问题. To achieve synergy effects in merger and acquisition, the two parts' knowledge systems should be integrated effectively. Here a " knowledge integration value chain (KIVC)" is developed to analyze knowledge integration management in four steps such as knowledge conflict, knowledge identify, knowledge transfer and knowledge integration. At last, the KIVC is used to analyze the knowledge integration management in a M&A case of Switzerland Ciba-Geigy company and American Alza company.
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期78-84,共7页 R&D Management
关键词 企业并购 知识整合 价值链 enterprise merger and acquisition knowledge integration value chain
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