总结805例 B 超及直视下均可见胎囊的药物流产资料,发现 B 超孕周与实际停经周数及体检子宫大小的符合率均不超过50%。直视下胎囊明显大于 B 超下胎囊,二者呈正相关。胎囊越大,胎囊排出后异常出血发生率越高,此时清宫率也随之增高。建议在 B 超下胎囊均径>1cm,或直视下胎囊>2cm 时出现异常出血,应积极考虑清宫处理。
The present objective is to study the relationship between size of GS and medical abortion.Method:The gestational sals(GS)of 805 cases of termination of pregnancies within 49 gestational days by mifepristone in combination with prostaglandins,were examined both under transvaginal sonography(TVS)and naked eyes.Results:It was discovered that the coincidence rate of gestational weeks under TVS,with amenorrhea weeks and the size of uterus through physical examina- tion was not more than 50 %.White the size of uterus observed through naked eyes was much larger than un- der TVS.The both were positively co-related.The results also showed that the larger the GS was the higher the incidence of abnormal bleeding was and therefort the higher the rate of curettage was.Conclu- sion:It is suggested that when abnormal bleeding,oc- cured on the average dliameter of the GS is more than 1cm under TVS or more than 2cm through naked eyes curettage should be done.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning