A 57-year-old woman was scheduled to undergo the second cycle of chemotherapy for right small cell lung cancer. She was given granisetron and diphenhydramine for pretreatment. Then she received intravenous infusion of teniposide 100 mg dissolved in 250 ml of glucose injection 5% at a speed of 60 drops/min. About two minutes after initiation of the infusion, the patient suddenly developed breath holding and cyanosis, and then loss of consciousness, cardiac and respiratory arrest. The infusion was stopped immediately, and she was given cardiopulmonary resuscitation, elevation of blood pressure and anti-anaphylactic treatment. Ten minutes later, her respiration and heartbeat recovered. She had a heart rate of 150 - 160 beats/min and a blood pressure of 100/60 mmHg, A large area of red skin rash appeared on her body. The anti-allergic and anti-shock therapy was continued and her skin rash resolved after 12 hours. And 17 hours later, the patient's consciousness recovered and her general condition improved.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal