

mRNA Expression of HIF1αand XRCC4 in Lung Cancer and Its Peritumoral Normal Tissue
摘要 目的:探讨HIF1α和XRCC4的mRNA在肺癌肿瘤及患者正常组织中的表达是否能够预测患者的预后情况。方法:对接受了根治性手术和术后放疗29例非小细胞肺癌患者,应用实时荧光PCR方法测量目标基因在肿瘤及癌周正常组织的冷冻标本表达。结果:肿瘤组织HIF1α高表达组,患者无病生存与低表达组无统计学差异;而在癌周正常组织中HIF1α低表达患者的中位无病生存(26个月)明显长于高表达组(10个月)且有统计学差异(P=0.028);HIF1α的肿瘤/正常组织比值也能作为患者的预后因素。XRCC4在肿瘤、正常组织中的表达与预后无相关。结论:HIF1α在肺癌患者瘤周正常组织中的表达情况,肿瘤/正常组织的表达比值与患者的预后相关。 Objective:To investage the mRNA expression level of HIF1α and XRCC4 in non-small-cell lung cancer samples and peritumoral normal lung tussle and to evaluate their prognostic value. Methods:29 non small cell lung cancer patients who had received the curative operation and adjuvant thoracic radiotherapy were included in this study, mRNA expression level of HIF1α and XRCC4 in congelated tumor samples and peritumoral normal tissue were detemined using real time RT-PCR method. Relationship of the expression level of the target genes and the clinic parameters and disease-free survival (DFS) of the patients were analysed. Results: Patients with high expression of HIF1α mRNA in tumor tissue had relatively long DFS, but without statistical significance. Interestingly the patients with low expression of HIF1α mRNA in peritumoral normal tissue had a longer DFS (median 26 months) than high expression's group (median 10 months, P= 0. 028). The ratio of tumor/normal tissue expression of HIF1α could further distinguish the patients with different DFS. Expression of XRCC4 in tumor or peripherical normal tissue did not correlate with the patients' DFS. Conclusion:The HIF1α mRNA expression in peritumoral normal tissue and the ratio of tumor/normal tissue expression of HIF1α may be a prognostic factor in non small cell lung cancer.
出处 《中国临床医学》 北大核心 2007年第6期786-788,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 乏氧诱导转录因子阿尔法亚单位 X线修复交叉互补基因4 无病生存 Non-small-cell lung carcinoma Hypoxic induced factor 1 alpha sub-unit X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 4 Disease-free survival
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