
β-环糊精为模板控制合成球状羟基磷灰石 被引量:16

Biomimetic Synthesis of Spherical Hydroxyapatite with β-cyclodextrin as Template
摘要 以Ca(NO3)2·4H2O和(NH4)3PO4·3H2O为反应物,β-环糊精(β-CD)为模板,成功地合成了直径为2.0—3.0μm的球状羟基磷灰石(HA)。用X射线粉末衍射分析(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和电导率测定等手段对所制得的样品进行了表征,结果表明β-CD的浓度很大程度地影响了HA的形貌。在1.0~1.5%/β-CD为模板的条件下可以合成直径为3.0μm左右的HA。β-环糊精与HA之间存在着相互作用促使了球状HA的生成,并讨论了这种作用的可能机理。 Spherical hydroxyapatite (HA) with diameter of 2.0-3.0μm was synthesized successfully. Using Ca ( NO3 ) 2 ·4H2O and ( NH4 ) 3PO4 ·3H2O as reagents and β-cyclodextrin (fl-CD) as template. The crystal phase, chemical composition, microstructure of the obtained HA were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction analysis ( XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results show that the concentration of β-CD significantly affects the morphologies of the HA. Spherical hydroxyapatite particle with diameter about 3.0μm can be synthesized using a certain concentration (1.0-1.5%) β-CD as template. Spherical apatite crystal forms because a high affinity between HA and β-CD.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1390-1394,1402,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 福建省发改委资助项目(No.2004[477]) 卫生部科学研究基金(WKJ2005-02-008)
关键词 羟基磷灰石 球状 Β-环糊精 模板 hydroxyapatite spherical β-cyclodextrin template
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