

Growth of Near-stoichiometric Co: LiNbO_3 Single Crystals by Flux Bridgman Method
摘要 以K2O为助熔剂,在较大的温度梯度(90~100℃/cm)条件下进行引种和晶体生长,应用坩埚下降法成功地生长出了初始Co^2+掺杂浓度为0.5mol%的近化学计量比的铌酸锂晶体。测定了该晶体的红外光谱与吸收光谱,与同成份的LiNbO,晶体相比,其紫外吸收边向短波方向移动,OH^-红外吸收峰的位置发生变化。观测到520,549,612nm三个分裂的尖吸收峰以及1400nm左右为发光中心的吸收带。从吸收特性可以判断,Co离子在铌酸锂晶体中呈现+2价。比较上部与下部晶体的吸收强度,可以推测出沿着晶体生长方向Co^2+离子浓度逐渐降低,Co^2+离子在晶体中有效的分凝系数大于1。 The near-stoichiometric Co-doped LiNbO3 (Co:SLN)single crystals were grown with the Co^2+ concentration of 0.5mo1% raw material by the flux Bridgman method. K20 was taken as flux , and a high interface temperature gradient of 90-100℃/cm was taken for the crystal seeding and growing. The UV-IR absorption spectra of Co:SLN crystal were measured. In comparison with congruent LiNbO3 crystal, the absorption edge of Co: SLN crystal was shifted to ultraviolet, and the infrared absorption band of the OH - also changed obviously. Comparing with congruent LiNbO3 crystal, a similar absorption behavior was Observed. There were three absorption peaks at 520, 549, 612nm, and a wide band centered at about 1400nm. It could be deduced from the absorption spectra that the Co ion in Co:SLN crystal existed in + 2 state. By comparing the absorption intensity between the upper and lower parts of Co:SLN crystal, it could be also deduced that Co^2+ concentration in crystal was reduced along the growing direction, and the effective segregation coefficient was more than 1.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1403-1407,共5页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 浙江省科技厅课题(2007C21121) 宁波市科技局课题(2007B10053) 中国科学院激发态物理重点实验室资助课题
关键词 助熔剂坩埚下降法 近化学计量比LiNbO3 晶体 CO^2+ 吸收光谱 flux Bridgman method near-stoiehiometrie LiNbO3 single crystal Co^2+ absorption spectrum
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