Objective To review the diagnosis and the treatment of congenital radial clubhand. Methods Four congenital radial clubhands in three boys were reviewed. The two right-side clubhands were type Ⅳ and type Ⅲ respectively. The age of the two patients at the time of surgery was 20 months and 6 years and 8 months respectively. The patients with bilateral clubhand (Left: type Ⅲ, R: type Ⅰ) was 24 months. The operation consisted of three procedures: 1 ) centralization of the carpus on the distal ulna, 2) a wedge osteotomy to straighten the curved ulna,3) and transfer of the extensor carpi ulnaris to balance the wrist. Results The patients had reduced radial deviation of the wrist, good stability of the wrist with motion, and significant improvement of flexion-extension function of fingers. The total angulation ( the combination of the radial deviation of the hand and the ulna bow) was measured to determine the initial deformity,degree of surgical correction, and degree of recurrence. Pre-operative, post-operative, and follow-up x-rays were taken to measure the angles. The angulation of case 1 was 88°/6°/21° respectively(follow-up 6 months ) ; the angulation of case 2 was 103°/ 0°/ 0° respectively(follow-up 14 months ); the angulation of case 3 was 75°/7°/15° respectively(follow-up 43 months). Conclusions Congenital radial clubhand is a rare and complex hand anomaly. Centralization of the wrist on the ulna combined with an ulnar osteotomy and tendon transfers procedures are performed simultaneously to reconstruct stabilization of the wrist, to improve function of the wrist and finger,and to enhance appearance of the extremity.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Hand deformities, congenital
Wrist joint
Orthopedic procedures