
流泪患者泪小点形态的临床研究 被引量:7

The research on the shapes of inferior lacrimal punctum of tearing patients
摘要 目的通过对流泪患者泪小点形态的研究,探讨泪小点形态及性别年龄与流泪的关系。方法用裂隙灯对流泪患者进行检查,并用数码相机将患者泪小点照相并分类。将8例患者泪小点增生组织进行病理组织切片HE染色并统计学处理。结果下泪小点形态可分为5型,即火山口型、扁平型、缩窄型、息肉型、混合型。在50例流泪患者中,狭窄型所占比例最大(34%),混合型所占比例最小(14%)。泪小点增生组织经病理组织切片HE染色,所示组织病变显著。按不同性别比较,差别无统计意义,故男女流泪无差别。按不同年龄组比较:年龄〈20岁组与年龄20岁~39岁组相比,后者流泪发生率高;年龄20岁~39岁组与年龄〉60岁组相比,前者流泪发生率高;年龄40岁~60岁组与年龄〉60岁组相比,前者流泪发生率高。结论下泪小点形态可分为5型。流泪患者泪小点的形态及年龄与流泪存在一定关系。性别与流泪无关。增生组织与其正常泪点周围组织有显著改变。 Objective To explore the relations between the shapes of lacrimal punctum, gender, age and tearing through the clinical research on the shape of lacrimal punctum of the patient presented with tearing. Methods Examine the patient presented with tearing by using slitlamp. Take photos of the patients' lacrimal punctum with digital camera, and then classify them. Hyperplastic tissue in the eight cases are cut and analyzed by HE staning and then the data collected are analyzed by SPSSll. 5. Results The shapes of inferior lacrimal punctum are generally divided into five types: volcanic crater, applanation, coarctation, polypus, mixed type. of the 50 tearing cases, patients with coarctation type account for 34% and those with mixed type account for 14%. The proportion of the tormer is the largest while that of the latter is the smallest. The results show the affections are remarkable after hyperplastic tissues are cut and analyzed by HE staining. By contrasting gender with tearing, under the analysis of variance, the differences are not significant. Therefore the proportion of male and female tearing makes no difference. The contrasts between different age groups show that the disease incidence in the group of age 20 to 39 is higher than that in the group of age under 20; the disease incidence in the group of age 20 to 39 is higher than that in the group of age above 60; the disease incidence in the group of age 40 to 60 is higher than that in the group of age above 60. Conclusions The shapes of inferior lacrimal punctum are generally divided into five types. There are certain relations between the shape of lacrimal punctum, age and tearing while gender is unrelated to tearing. Hyperplastic tissues together with normal tissues around them are remarkably different.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1319-1322,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 流泪 泪小点 形态 tearing lacrimal punctum shape
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